2MENU is a 2COL and JETCOL interface for use with Microsoft Windows 3.1 and is also compatible with WIN95. It provides an easy to use Windows interface and gives you the choice of either fast DOS text mode printing or professional quality TrueType font printing using Windows Print Manager. Allows landscape printing on all Windows compatible printers.
2MENU allows you to:
Preview your document and adjust formatting when printing in TrueType mode.
View, set, and save an unlimited number of printing option profiles.
Select files to print from a menu
Drag and drop files to print from File Manager and "send to" in WIN95
View/edit files before printing
Built in editor allows file portions to be modified or deleted before printing. A large number of excerpts can be built up on the clipboard before printing. This saves printing unnecessary text.
Editor window wraps automatically to reflect column width print setting.
Import text for printing from other applications via the clipboard.
Print directly from clipboard or edit/excerpt clipboard before printing.
Autoclip feature automatically collects excerpts copied to the clipboard from other applications and prints all the excerpts as one document. Great for printing HLP files.
Print in background while viewing/editing another file or using another program.
Prints WFW,WFD,WP,AMI-PRO,WS,WRI files using Malcolm Drury's VIEW (included on disk) as a format converter.
This is not a stand alone program. It requires 2COL or JETCOL. 2MENU is not distributed via shareware channels. It is available only from ARCaine Technology.
Price: $15 + $3 S&H. ($8 when ordered with 2COL/JETCOL)
Add $1 for 3.5" disk
CA residents please add sales tax