2COL prints two columns, each 80 characters wide, on a standard sheet of paper. Most dot-matrix, inkjet, bubblejet and DeskJet printers are supported. By suppressing unnecessary blank lines and ignoring page breaks, 2COL (while averaging approximately 4 pages on one side of a sheet) is able to use a larger font than other compressed print programs. By using standard draft mode, 2COL prints faster and more readably than other programs which rely on subscript or graphics mode. 2COL will optionally print an exact number of pages/column retaining original formatting. Professional and Windows versions are available.

2COL is ideal for printing reference material (such as shareware manuals)and word processing drafts. It saves paper and storage space. By putting more information on less paper, 2COL saves you money when faxing or mailing.

2COL will optionally print in subscript mode, putting almost 8 pages on one side of a sheet of paper. By using 2COL's two-sided printing option, almost 16 pages of information can be printed on a single sheet of paper.

The program has been designed to be easy to use, even for the novice. It comes with a demo/tutorial which demonstrates most of the printing options and shows how to use them.


Print with TrueType fonts (portrait or landscape) using the Windows Interface.

Print booklets or pamphlets.


2COL will now print from 1-6 columns with column widths from 20 to 160 characters. This is useful for printing labels and lists as well as printing wider documents such as source code listings on wide-carriage or some landscape-mode capable printers.

Works with proportional fonts.

Prints landscape mode on Deskjet in addition to portrait.

Wordwrapping and filtering functions have been added for printing wordprocessor formats (such as .WRI, Word, Wordstar, and WP Generic documents).

Now also reformats to widen or shrink document width. Particularly useful for 17 char/inch printers or for people who have trouble reading 20 char/inch print.

Prints pages in reverse order to eliminate paper shuffling with sheet feed printers: Deskjets, Inkjets..etc. Particularly useful when printing on both sides

User defined initialization strings are now supported to select draft/LQ, specific fonts, etc.

Macros available for printing directly from WordPerfect and WFW ($3 each).

Automatically adjusts line spacing to eliminate partly filled last pages.


* the number of lines/page to print

* the maximum number of consecutive blank lines to allow

* the column width

* whether to pause for single sheet feeding

* numbering each source and/or output page

* enable IBM graphics characters(dot matrix only)

* top margin, left margin settings

* print only odd/even pages - for two-sided printing

* to display total number of output pages before printing.

* to prescan the document and automatically optimize margins

* whether to automatically adjust line spacing to fill or eliminate partial pages at end

* adjustment for different page length: A4, legal, etc.

* user specified initialzation string.

Hardware requirements: IBM compatible computer, 256K RAM, dot matrix or DeskJet printer. While 2COL will run on 17 cpi printers, a printer capable of 20 char/inch is best. For Epson FX,LQ,LX and many IBM compatible dot matrix printers. All DeskJet models supported.

Other requirements: MS-DOS 3 or higher.

Price: $22.95 + $5 S&H (if an update disk is requested)

Add $1 if 3.5" disk is requested

Compuserve SWREG-1183

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